3 Poets 1 Love: Tomris Uyar

One of the subtle details of our literature and one of the strongest female voices, Tomris Uyar, attracts attention in the literary community with her famous loves and private life. Regardless of her private life, Tomris Uyar is a very talented writer who became a sought-after figure in literary conversations during her time. With her posture, gaze, and way of expressing her ideas, she is a unique woman in her own right. When she married her first love, Ülkü Tamer, she had just graduated from college. Despite having big dreams, this woman could not find what she hoped for in her marriage with Ülkü. This marriage ends tragically. Tomris does not know that she will be the last and only true love of Turgut Uyar, whom she met at a poetry night during her marriage. After the failed marriage, a great love affair unfolds, where the lines that have circulated in everyone’s mouths are written: Cemal and Tomris. Cemal loves Tomris very much. They spend days together when he comes home early to see her. This stormy and passionate love can last for 3 years. After they part ways, Tomris calls it “The Mistake of Loving” for Cemal Süreya. According to her, it is a love that exists but is wrong. After these challenging separations, Tomris’s perspective on love and marriage completely changes, and she begins to correspond with Turgut Uyar.

These letters initially progress only on poetry. At the same time, it is a difficult period for both of them. During that time, they share a loneliness for two in their letters. At the same time, the period they correspond is a time when Turgut Uyar stopped writing poetry. Tomris inspires him so much in her letters that Turgut starts writing again. The first lines he writes are for Tomris: “My heart is a broken clock, it always stops on you,” he says to Tomris. Indeed, the woman who was his last love and who was with him when he died is Tomris. This love, which progressed healthily and beautifully, begins to experience bad days with the accident Turgut Uyar had. Turgut Uyar is not well, and after the accident, he seems to have accepted his death. Tomris cannot bear to watch the sudden collapse of this man whom she came to see and loved with pure love, breaking her promises. As a result of this course of events, Turgut Uyar passes away. While she cannot accept his departure, her closest friend, Edip Cansever, the person who was with her during difficult times, also passes away suddenly. These irreversible departures are both a turning point and the beginning of Tomris’s disillusionment with poetry.

Now Tomris has neither her love by her side nor her closest friend who has written her a new poem on every birthday. After all these pains, she expressed her thoughts in Parende magazine as follows: “While you can change the world for a moment when writing, you cannot move your past an inch.” Although events may be misrepresented, Tomris, with the part left behind by these narrations, is a strong woman and the apple of literature’s eye. The beauties she has added to the literary world will continue to inspire new writers and poets without being erased.


İpek Aka

Literature Editor