Behind the Curtains

In this era where reading books is decreasing and becoming more difficult, I have noticed that readers are also being classified. Indeed, the influence of popular culture cannot be denied, as it is pervasive in all areas. According to popular culture, if you are in the minority, it doesn’t matter what you enjoy, what you support, or whether you are right in what you support; you are deemed worthy of lynching and judgment. As someone who knows how much popular culture can influence people in many aspects of life, I must admit that I never thought it would have such an impact on readers. You see, people who read books not only live one life but find themselves in multiple lives, and therefore, they would be much more skilled in communication and much more conscious in empathy. At least, that’s what I always thought. Now, looking at our present day, readers have become divided, and each reader has belittled books and readers outside of their reading area. What was it that made one genre superior to another? Superiority in my opinion, is proportional to success, not to taste. While there are successful books in every genre, where did these classifications as the classical reader or fantasy reader come from? Classifications only limit people, whereas books offer us an infinite universe. I highly doubt that a reader of a different genre only reads books in their field. As long as people are hungry for knowledge and love, one thing alone will never satisfy them. I hope that, this writing breaks some taboos and removes the curtains that make us think that there is only one color in the universe.


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Tutku Mira

Literature Writer