You DO NOT need to be a member of GoldenHas’ staff or even a Kadir Has affiliate to submit content of any type to GoldenHas. (Though we do accept all eligible applicants to join if you apply here.)
We are happy to consider editing and publishing your work (not limited to written work), and there are tons of ways you can submit!
See various outside submission options below, and remember you can always reach out to [email protected] to ask about another form of submission. We look forward to hearing from you!
- Tips (for when you want to send us ideas, information and/or feedback)
- Letters to the Editor (for when you want to publicly respond to existing work in and/or by GoldenHas)
- Personal essays/reflections/rants (any thoughts you have!)
- Any other writings or projects (such as arts reviews, news pieces, audio/visual work, data work, etc. you want published in GoldenHas)
Option 1. Tips — submitted using this form.
Maybe you aren’t interested in contributing work to GoldenHas, but you do want to share information about a topic GoldenHas could cover. This can be information about yourself (such as a past or ongoing experience) or information you have heard/observed. We’re interested in anything, and you can submit tips anonymously!
Option 2. Letters to The Editor — sent to [email protected].
A Letter to The Editor can be sent to GoldenHas by any member of our audience who would like to have their letter published. Letters should be in some way related to a matter of concern to our audience, and are often in response to content GoldenHas has recently published.
The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to accept or reject any letter received. The sender(s) will receive a reason if the letter is rejected, and they are welcome to submit another letter if desired.
Option 3. Personal narratives — sent to [email protected] or this form.
We want to read your work and consider it for publication!
Any reflections, ideas, rantings, musings, etc. can be submitted using the form above to reach our editors at GoldenHas, who will contact you regarding publication.
If your piece is more argumentative rather than reflective, you may want to consider submitting it as an opinion instead.
Option 4. Content for another section of GoldenHas — sent to editorial email.
We are happy to consider editing and publishing content contributed by people who are not members of GoldenHas’ staff.
An example would be a piece written for a course or research project at Kadir Has that the author would like published in GoldenHas as well. Other examples include personal projects like blogs, apps or pieces of art.
Please reach out to [email protected] with any questions about potential submissions.