• Bad Woman

    Bad Woman

    Perhaps the greatest act of kindness a person can do for themselves is to value themselves. Sometimes, valuing oneself brings tough decisions. To walk away and separate when necessary are decisions with heavy consequences for self-protection. But how does society react to self-love? Since the creation of humanity, Lilith has been the story’s bad woman….

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  • Millennium Legacy: 2000s

    Millennium Legacy: 2000s

    Even though time keeps flowing, the fashion of the 2000s continues to influence us and is coming to campus in February! Our party, organized by our school students Elif Akyeşilmen and Elif Özdemir, will make a mark on the school! So, what were the 2000s about? The best way to understand the colorful, freedom-loving, and…

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    If you’re interested in extreme sports and love nature, you can start mountaineering and outdoor sports with KHASDAK! Since 2006, KHASDAK has been offering winter mountaineering and rock climbing training and organizing events. You don’t need any prior experience; our experienced club members explain the necessary training theoretically and reinforce it with practical training. However,…

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  • A Genius Who Warps Reality with Dreams: Satoshi Kon

    A Genius Who Warps Reality with Dreams: Satoshi Kon

    Satoshi Kon: a director, screenwriter, mangaka, and, in my opinion, a genius who, alongside names like Miyazaki, Takahata, Otomo, Shinkai, and Hosoda, formed the locomotive of the Japanese anime film industry. Before delving into Kon’s works, techniques, and inspirations, I want to draw attention to the background that forms the basis of his work. After…

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  • What’s Been Going on in Chile?

    What’s Been Going on in Chile?

    The South American country of Chile, which has faced the problem of forest fires numerous times, is experiencing the worst disaster in the country since the 2010 catastrophe with the fires that began in the Valparaíso region at the beginning of February. In this disaster, where over 120 deaths have been recorded, a regional state…

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  • Reduction of Can Atalay’s Membership

    Reduction of Can Atalay’s Membership

    Can Atalay, while acting as the lawyer for Taksim Solidarity, which was established to prevent the construction of a shopping mall in Gezi Park, was included in the case as a defendant. He was detained and tried for the charge of “attempting to abolish the government of the Republic of Turkey” and was sentenced to…

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  • Oğuz Erge

    Oğuz Erge

    A chilling incident occurred around 03:30 AM on December 31, 2023, in the Gaziemir district of Izmir. A taxi driver, the father of two, Oğuz Erge (44), was attacked by his passenger, Delil Aysal, with a firearm. Hearing the gunshots, local residents alerted the authorities, and medical teams dispatched to the scene transported Erge by…

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  • Who Are You?

    Who Are You?

    Who are you? Have you ever thought about it? Or has it ever crossed your mind who you are and who you could be? Where do you belong, or do you belong anywhere? Do you sustain the character that exists with the name given to you by your family, or do you nourish from the…

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