Mythology Stories 2: Persephone and Hades

The story of Persephone and Hades is one of the most captivating and memorable tales of Greek mythology. Persephone is the daughter of the goddess Demeter and symbolizes fertility. While her beauty and grace catch the attention of all the gods, Hades is the king of the underworld and the god of the dead. Hades falls in love with Persephone at first sight and kidnaps her. This event marks the beginning of a painful search for Persephone by her mother, Demeter. As Demeter wanders desperately in search of her daughter, the natural cycle on Earth stops, and fertility disappears. Demeter comes to Mount Olympus with the guidance of her son Hermes and asks Zeus for help. However, Zeus learns that Hades is in love with Persephone and wants to be with her. Therefore, Zeus allows Persephone to stay in the underworld as long as she returns to the surface occasionally. While in the underworld, Persephone becomes the wife of Hades and rules as the queen of the underworld, but the fact that Demeter is suffering and fertility is lost on Earth prompts Zeus to take action. An agreement is made to send Persephone back, but Hades tries to prevent her from returning to the underworld. Eventually, the pomegranate Persephone eats ensures her stay in the underworld. Zeus decides that Persephone will spend six months in the underworld and six months on the surface. This explains the cycle of seasons: winter comes when Persephone is underground, and spring and summer arrive when she returns to the surface. This story addresses themes such as love, loyalty, and motherhood while also dealing with universal topics such as the cycle of nature and the change of seasons.


Ceren Erden

Literature Writer