What’s Been Going on in Chile?

The South American country of Chile, which has faced the problem of forest fires numerous times, is experiencing the worst disaster in the country since the 2010 catastrophe with the fires that began in the Valparaíso region at the beginning of February. In this disaster, where over 120 deaths have been recorded, a regional state of emergency and a nighttime curfew have been imposed. President Gabriel Boric, visiting the fire region, stated that the number of victims would increase, adding, “A tremendous tragedy awaits us,” and announced that the country would mourn for two days. (Correal, Bartlett, 2024) Statements from those who survived the fire, witnessing everything they owned and how many people succumbed to the flames, prove the magnitude of the disaster in Chile. Furthermore, the Chilean government is working intensively to bring the fires under control, but severe weather conditions make interventions difficult. International assistance is being requested to fight the fire.


Correal, A., Bartlett, J. (2024, February 4) ‘We’re Broken’: Wildfires on Chile’s Coast Kill 112 and Leave Hundreds Missing. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/04/world/americas/chile-forest-fires.html

Sudenur Atabaş

News Writer